Monday, January 21, 2013

Sinulog 2013

I remember my first Sinulog experience from years ago: hot scorching heat from the sun, streets packed with people, handmade native farmer's hat, car-free roads, and the Sinulog beat. First year college, CWTS requirement to stand as human barricade to keep the people off the Sinulog parade. It was my first time out there since for the past 15 or so years, we've always spent it indoors. My family wasn't one for getting it in with the crowd (on All Soul's day, we usually visit our departed days before or days after, and we've never done the whole overnight at the cemetery thing). I remember being there with my friend Mara and my back then, best friend of a guy Elwin; months after he'd be my boyfriend. 

Every Sinulog since then, I have spent hand-in-hand with my boyfriend. Both of us out in the streets and sticking together, walking through the crowd. I'd be the one who packed the bag and he'd be the one to carry it. He was also in-charge of hydrating us. There was one Sinulog I almost fainted. The flow of people was cut-off because they suddenly closed off a passage way by Fuente area. People were pushing back and forth and the air was hot and I was dizzy, my boyfriend told me to look up and breathe and took me out of the crowd. I believe I was hyperventilating and tearing up, probably all rec in the face. Sinulog festivities reminds me of how this boy can take care of me. :) He usually is in-charge of where we go, how we get there, what route to take, and he'd ask me what I want but I just enjoy watching him taking charge. :) My man.

I wasn't able to spend last year's Sinulog with him because I was in the States. And this year was different from the usual ones we've had. We usually get out early, before lunch and catch a glimpse of the parade, but this time we spent the whole morning, lunch, and after lunch at their place. My boy wasn't feeling it and was tired. He wasn't up for the Sinulog experience. He was also worried about me since I just got my period and that always means menstrual cramps and aching joints. But I was still up for it. So we left at 4pm, stopped by our old school and ate at Silogan ni Gian. Took another Jeepney ride to Ayala mall and we decided to go in. When we were inside I felt like I really needed to go to the restroom or else I might stain my shorts. So we went from restroom to restroom and  find all of them with long lines. At the basement 2, still long lines, I resulted to going in at David's salon. I asked if they had a restroom for their clients and the lady said yes, so I signed myself up for a haircut and went to the restroom. 

After years of saying I'd try to wear my hair short, I never really got around it. I frankly love long hairs but a part of me always wondered how it was wearing it short. The last time I had it really short, as far as I remember, was back in kindergarten.

After the impulse haircut, we went up and grabbed some potato corner. Boyfriend bought 3 bottles of water, which I thought was too much until later I'd be proven wrong. We bumped into Paul and Adine too. After that we made our way through the thick crowd in the mall to the streets by Marriot and City Sports, our usual spot. :) 

Watching the fireworks display was also somewhat a tradition with boyfriend. The fireworks display was quite a recent tradition itself on my first Sinulog. This year I heard Ayala spent 3 million pesos for the fireworks display which lasted for about seven minutes or so.

Sinulog 2013 Fireworks display by Ayala

Just the moon that night.

Some people would think that going through all the walking, all that crowd, and all the waiting to get a good spot at the fireworks display was not worth it, well it is always well worth it to me especially with my boyfriend by my side. :)  Watching the fireworks display this year made me feel like the stars were so close and within reach, and reminded me that there sure are a lot of amazing things in this world. And I look beside me, and get the most amazing feeling of all- love. :) And with a smile I give my boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. 

Not going into the whole religious aspect of the Sinulog, but for the festivities and "personal tradition" aspects of it, that was Sinulog 2013 for me. :) 

And oh, we were walking from the mall to my 7-11 to my house supposedly but boyfriend's cousin spotted us at the old SSS building and we decided to tag along with them to walk to IT park. On the walk a guy in the motorcycle scared me, I thought he was a snatcher (apparently stuck in traffic) but it was Eduard, an old friend. 

Boyfriend and I had dinner at Shakey's bus place on the grass. And after that we caught up with his cousin and his cousin's friends where they had their drinking session. But my boyfriend's new year's resolution, which I love and he's kept so far as the 21 days are concerned, is to not drink soft drinks and beer for this year. He said it was for me, and my heart smiled. :)

We ended up calling it a night at around 12 midnight. With a Starbucks frapp in hand, we hailed for a cab along with all the others who were hailing one as well.

//And oh, usually we get Sinulog shirts togther, but this time we didn't and I was wearing my Sonic Boom shirt which boyfriend got for me from the event he went to the night before, how sweet!
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