Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mixed Emotions

I just came from dad's office where parents called me and my sister to hover over the computer as my mom show us the houses they are considering for our move to the US.  As early as now, they're browsing houses we can live in. 

I have to say, seeing the photos of those houses, gave me mixed emotions.  I felt excited to start anew, start from scratch, go clutter-free in terms of material possessions, and just that feeling of jumping in a fresh start together with my family.  Also, the fear of uncertainty and missing people we leave behind, meeting strangers, adjusting to a different environment and different culture, and coping.  Like I said- mixed emotions.

Just last night my mom and dad talked things over, they are no longer buying another house here.  They seemed so strong on that decision just weeks ago up to yesterday, going places just to look at houses and checking out different neighborhoods.  They wanted to buy another house for investment, but their minds have changed.  

Change is constant.

On a different note, today me and my thesis partner Marchele submitted our Chapter 1 for our Application Design and Development this afternoon.  Our teacher was very impressed, and I have to say I'm quite impressed with ourselves as well.  We have our letter of permission to interview noted on Monday, we interviewed on Tuesday, reported regarding the interview on Wednesday, and today handed in Chapter 1.  Marchele and I are really hustling since we know if we don't move quickly now, we might be stuck come midterm and finals with all the other subjects we have.  My fear is to have every work clogged up, like last semester, everything piling up.  Next goal: to submit Chapter to by Wednesday.  Chapter 2 is a bit more tedious since we will need to deal with flowcharts.

And in all things, 
I look to my God for hope and strength.

Christmas is fast approaching, and although I believe that it's not about the gift-giving, I'm still worried I have nothing to give my family.  I'm broke.  I need to learn how to save- seriously. 


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Little Things

Today was the official first day of school for the 2nd semester of school year 2010-2011. But as expected- NO CLASS yet. So I went out with my boyfriend today. We had late lunch at the mall.

Lunch at the food court turned out to be more expensive then dining in a restaurant, but I wanted to eat lechon. YUM. 

12php rice. 3-5 spoonful. 

Aside from the lechon, we also had humba meal (1 pc. humba meeat, 1 egg, 1 rice, 8 oz. ice-tea drink), Leylam's shawarma rice, large mango shake from thirsty, 2 extra rice (from a different store, it cost 15php).

In the end we placed too much on our plates, more than we could finish so we had to doggy pack and bring home leftovers. 

After stuffing ourselves we went over to CD-R KING, "you one-stop media provider". It's one place to get computer accesories and what-nots at a very cheap price, quality however is compromised most of the time. Anyways, Elwin mentioned he'd buy a mouse pad and he offered to buy me one too. But I told him that I already had one and I didn't need to get one. He said the my mouse pad was "luoy" (pitiful) already and that he could just get me one since it didn't cost that much. True- it didn't cost a lot but I was touched at how he noticed and remembered that my mouse pad was dying a slow and painful death. I love the thoughtfulness! I SUPER LOVED IT! :)

 My old mouse pad. Thank you for the times you served me.

 My new mouse pad from boyfriend's thoughtfulness.

So after that I dropped him off at his OJT place and I was heading home. I was already at the capitol (near our place) when my friend Harrison called, attendance for our DB2 class. So I went back to school and got there almost 4pm, had my attendance taken and I was out of school again. I wanted to head home but it was already 4pm and mom would be out by 5:30pm. So to save my dad the trouble of fetching my mom, I went to her office. I got to make and print out our (Elwin and mine) schedules for this semester. Hooray for productivity!

It really are the little things 
that you take notice on, the little thoughts, 
that sweeps me off my feet.

happy and loved girlfriend, 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cheeseburger Deluxe

Today I went to the dentist for my dentist appointment that has been put off for almost 2 weeks now. I have a new wire on my braces now, more pressure on my teeth. I have color green rubbers now. 

Today I was visited by my lovely boyfriend. He brought for me cheezeburger deluxe meal from McDonald's. Thank you for snacks! :) And we streamed The Switch online. But he had to leave early since it's also his father's birthday.

//waiting for boyf to upload photo 

Happy birthday Tito Elwin Sr.! :) God bless you always. I wish you good health, happiness, and a peaceful heart.


Who is there for me?

There are days where in I ponder too much on things, vague things in life. I hop from one thought to another. It maybe because of too much stress from school work or current situation, or maybe just because I'm bored and I have nothing else to keep me occupied. Okay, that's a lie, there are tons of things I've been putting on hold for years, in example: clean my closet, dump old clothes, dump old bags and shoes, basically clean up in general.  But there's nothing else better I need to do, that will be a more honest sentence. 

So last night, I thought: what deep, sort of mind boggling status can I put out there, one that will get people thinking and have people to say "this girl's got something in mind". And so I posted:

"And in the days I'm alone, who is there for me?"

And now I thought that my friends would be commenting away, making fun of me, of how dramatic I am or whatever- but no. To my surprise (not complete surprise) my mom made the first comment. She gave the answer I already knew, that God would be there for me always and forever, with the additional "me" in her comment. 

Just when I thought my mother's comment was comforting, I read my father's comment. He comments: "ako, no.1, always n forever wil be der 4 u." (translation: Me, number 1, always and forever will be there for you.)  Now here, I almost cried. I know he only stated the obvious, but for a guy, a father to put out and clarify his feelings or emotions right there in public- it was something really sweet. I will cherish that comment, hence the blog entry for it and the print screen shot.

So you think you've had it good with friends, well you just don't acknowledge that you've had it greater with the family, and best with our Lord Jesus Christ. In times of trouble and hardships, it's family and God who will be with you through out the pain, it's them who will endure with you those aching moments.

I am thankful for my family. Thankful for my parents. I have failed them many times, I haven't graduated yet even though I was supposed to last March 2010, I've wasted one whole semester (that's tens and thousands of money), and I was at the brink of failing again this semester. But my mother and father were truly supportive "if you pass, then good; if not, you can try again next semester." WOW! I just feel I am truly blessed. It's overwhelming that I must share this blessing to others.

thankful and blessed,
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