Saturday, January 26, 2013

Of Saturdays and Yoga

Today I woke up early, with only 5 hours of sleep. Actually, I was already rushing because I came home an hour later from work after getting carried away talking to a co-worker and I failed to prepare my things before I went to sleep.

After meeting up with my friend (my good friend's ex-girlfriend who became a good friend of mine as well, weirdly but pleasantly enough after their break-up) Alynah for a quick catching up over lunch last Tuesday, I told her about my interest in trying out Yoga classes. It was a good timing that Surya Nanda Yoga was having intensive workouts this weekend. An energy exchange of 500php/ session; 1,000php/ 2 session; 1,800php/ 4 sessions or the whole weekend workshop. We decided to go with the 500php, Saturday morning session: Fun Flow Practice with Mrs. Allen Maitri Enrique. Sidenote: Maitri sounds like a yoga/ yogi name or something. We chose that since schedule since I had to work 3-12 midnight today.

from off their FB page

It was a good and very (very) challenging yoga practice. It was not helping me concentrate either when someone is going around the room taking random picture which sure enough is now posted up on Facebook.

We ran a bit late because I couldn't find my shorts, so I had to wear this other one. I picked Alynah up at JY Square and off we went to Surya Nanda Yoga for the first time. It was a bit weird, different from the usual Citigym environment that I was used to (after a month of membership). It wasn't air-conditioned (although I get that since we were going to sweat), windows were open, and you could heere the busy street outside. Although the music did help muffle that out, and it was a Saturday so the streets weren't as busy. We practiced at the 2nd floor of West Gorordo Hotel, just the next building (if not the same) to where their studio actually is.

I did not participate as much as I would have during the yoga sessions I joined in Citigym because this was intensive yoga and I am still a beginner. First few minutes into the session, sweats immediately broke out. It was good sweating. But later in the session I dried up. The yoga poses and exercises just wasn't right for my lazy body and my lack-of-sleep state. I didn't feel I was able to maximize the 500php I paid for, but I did not regret going either. It was nice going with Alynah. During the cooling down or Savasana, I think I might have felt asleep, good thing I hear the instructor's voice and snapped back to reality.

We asked to see their studio after the session and we entered the side of the building (I'm not sure if it was a separate building) and we had to walk to the 5th floor since the lift wasn't working. The studio was really small and the girl said they could hold up to 20 students if they really maximized the space. They had only one really small dressing area. Currently the charge 1,000php for 10 days sessions and 1,500 for 10 night sessions, consumable within a month. They had other packages as well but my memory fails my now. Within the next month they'll be moving to a new and bigger space, and so as follows the increase in their prices.

Alynah and I drove to Waterfront so she could go check out Citigym. I love that they still have the Youth package, 1,500php/month for those under 23 years old. This is the most affordable deal I've ever come across and Alynah seemed pretty sold to the environment, facility, the variety in classes, and the 24/7 gym access; not to mention the free individual locker use, shower, sauna, and steam room. Their yoga classes are fewer than last month's schedule though, hopefully that'll change next month.

I would like to try yoga hopping. And I really hope I'll keep up with the yoga. I hope I get the poses and pretty soon do some breakdance moves (lol). 

We drove the Lahug because I wanted to inquire on French lessons, they are quite pricey and their next class starts on March and ends on May. I plan to leave on April, so maybe I won't be taking that class. I drove Alynah home and the girl talk and company was much appreciated.

Came and logged in to work early. I had a lovely lunch with boyfriend at Tokyo Joe's (2nd time this week). And boyfriend accompanied me to work. We have KFC take outs for dinner. I am sitting here and I just finished a movie and a series, while boyfriend was doing work and now is playing his online game. The band from the restaurant next door is playing now and I guess my Saturday isn't as bad, even if I had to work.

Thank you boyfriend! :)

And as always, Lord, may Your will be done.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I was one who thought that all these "hormones" and "period" excuse was all rubbish. I never really did "crave" anything before during my period, not crave anything out of the usual anyways. But I have lately come to realize that such irrational emotions tend to surface during my time of the month. 

I first noticed it during third year college I believe, or maybe second? I drove to Jollibee from school because I HAD TO have peach mango pie! I ended up eating about 5 zert pies all by myself. 

I love to eat sweets (even more) on my days of the month.

I had lunch earlier with my friend Alynah, and we talked about everything and anything in our lives. She mentioned there was scientific basis for the hormones acting all crazy or whatever during our time of the month. She said we tend to feel hot and easily irritated. She's a nurse by the way.

Since I just recently acknowledged such phenomenon, looking back, I salute my boyfriend for putting up with me during my time of the month. Just last Saturday I made a huge deal of him not showing up at the house, even if he did say he'd be there AFTER the event he went to. And because I could not wait I drove around Cebu city, not knowing exactly where the event was. I wanted to go out, go somewhere, but I really had nowhere to go to. I was all hot and furious on the phone, but boyfriend was calm and understanding. When we finally met up, I was all b*tchy (I admit *eye roll*) and irrational, not thinking straight at all, but he was calm and he did not stoop down to my mood. He even got me a shirt! Just like sweet boyfriends would do when attending an event or concert to remind you that they were thinking of you! We went to my house and walked to the Chowking near my place and ate. Despite my being all bad mood and bad vibes, he stayed with me and fed me. He managed to calm me down and eventually made me smile. 

I might have overlooked this part of our relationship before, me being all hot-headed and him being all calm and bringing me to my place of inner peace. My boyfriend, my zen. Now I fully acknowledge it and dedicate this blog post to it, to remind me of how lucky I am to have you- my Elwin. :) 

Side note: Thanks for accompanying me to my salon sessions (mani, pedi, haircut, and etc.).


And sometimes I myself wonder how I am so crazy in love with you, this is only one of the many million reasons why. :)

To my ever-dearest loving boyfriend who puts up with me when I'm hell to be with,
to the moon and back times infinity and beyond.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sinulog 2013

I remember my first Sinulog experience from years ago: hot scorching heat from the sun, streets packed with people, handmade native farmer's hat, car-free roads, and the Sinulog beat. First year college, CWTS requirement to stand as human barricade to keep the people off the Sinulog parade. It was my first time out there since for the past 15 or so years, we've always spent it indoors. My family wasn't one for getting it in with the crowd (on All Soul's day, we usually visit our departed days before or days after, and we've never done the whole overnight at the cemetery thing). I remember being there with my friend Mara and my back then, best friend of a guy Elwin; months after he'd be my boyfriend. 

Every Sinulog since then, I have spent hand-in-hand with my boyfriend. Both of us out in the streets and sticking together, walking through the crowd. I'd be the one who packed the bag and he'd be the one to carry it. He was also in-charge of hydrating us. There was one Sinulog I almost fainted. The flow of people was cut-off because they suddenly closed off a passage way by Fuente area. People were pushing back and forth and the air was hot and I was dizzy, my boyfriend told me to look up and breathe and took me out of the crowd. I believe I was hyperventilating and tearing up, probably all rec in the face. Sinulog festivities reminds me of how this boy can take care of me. :) He usually is in-charge of where we go, how we get there, what route to take, and he'd ask me what I want but I just enjoy watching him taking charge. :) My man.

I wasn't able to spend last year's Sinulog with him because I was in the States. And this year was different from the usual ones we've had. We usually get out early, before lunch and catch a glimpse of the parade, but this time we spent the whole morning, lunch, and after lunch at their place. My boy wasn't feeling it and was tired. He wasn't up for the Sinulog experience. He was also worried about me since I just got my period and that always means menstrual cramps and aching joints. But I was still up for it. So we left at 4pm, stopped by our old school and ate at Silogan ni Gian. Took another Jeepney ride to Ayala mall and we decided to go in. When we were inside I felt like I really needed to go to the restroom or else I might stain my shorts. So we went from restroom to restroom and  find all of them with long lines. At the basement 2, still long lines, I resulted to going in at David's salon. I asked if they had a restroom for their clients and the lady said yes, so I signed myself up for a haircut and went to the restroom. 

After years of saying I'd try to wear my hair short, I never really got around it. I frankly love long hairs but a part of me always wondered how it was wearing it short. The last time I had it really short, as far as I remember, was back in kindergarten.

After the impulse haircut, we went up and grabbed some potato corner. Boyfriend bought 3 bottles of water, which I thought was too much until later I'd be proven wrong. We bumped into Paul and Adine too. After that we made our way through the thick crowd in the mall to the streets by Marriot and City Sports, our usual spot. :) 

Watching the fireworks display was also somewhat a tradition with boyfriend. The fireworks display was quite a recent tradition itself on my first Sinulog. This year I heard Ayala spent 3 million pesos for the fireworks display which lasted for about seven minutes or so.

Sinulog 2013 Fireworks display by Ayala

Just the moon that night.

Some people would think that going through all the walking, all that crowd, and all the waiting to get a good spot at the fireworks display was not worth it, well it is always well worth it to me especially with my boyfriend by my side. :)  Watching the fireworks display this year made me feel like the stars were so close and within reach, and reminded me that there sure are a lot of amazing things in this world. And I look beside me, and get the most amazing feeling of all- love. :) And with a smile I give my boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. 

Not going into the whole religious aspect of the Sinulog, but for the festivities and "personal tradition" aspects of it, that was Sinulog 2013 for me. :) 

And oh, we were walking from the mall to my 7-11 to my house supposedly but boyfriend's cousin spotted us at the old SSS building and we decided to tag along with them to walk to IT park. On the walk a guy in the motorcycle scared me, I thought he was a snatcher (apparently stuck in traffic) but it was Eduard, an old friend. 

Boyfriend and I had dinner at Shakey's bus place on the grass. And after that we caught up with his cousin and his cousin's friends where they had their drinking session. But my boyfriend's new year's resolution, which I love and he's kept so far as the 21 days are concerned, is to not drink soft drinks and beer for this year. He said it was for me, and my heart smiled. :)

We ended up calling it a night at around 12 midnight. With a Starbucks frapp in hand, we hailed for a cab along with all the others who were hailing one as well.

//And oh, usually we get Sinulog shirts togther, but this time we didn't and I was wearing my Sonic Boom shirt which boyfriend got for me from the event he went to the night before, how sweet!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Well it's the start of another year and I'm slacking off my blogging while I am here in the US. *excuses*

Downloaded this for free, although the reviews weren't very encouraging. I'm still hoping it will work for me because otherwise I might result to actually purchasing this other app. And I hate spending. I would probably do so more loosely if I am earning dollars for myself.

Well, I am hoping I can keep up the blogging for this year. I will start with back posting blog entries when I get back to Cebu. Right now, my mind is yet again entertaining the idea of going back to Tumblr just because it has a well-supported app compared to blogger and Wordpress. (Or so I feel.) I hate how I keep going back and forth with these blog sites, why can't I just stay put?!

Cheers to a good year ahead! :)

// I see how images are all the way at the bottom and I can't seem to move them to any other part of the post. Minor problem there for a free app.i can easily edit that when I get on a computer (or so I hope). So far so good for this app, but I hope they get the whole thing with the image a fix. :) Might drop them a line to find a fix. :D Or am I going about this app the wrong way? But I doubt that, I would like to believe I am "techy-er" than your average Jane Doe. ;)

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